Friday, October 29, 2010



I am back in CA for the week. I spent half the week in San Diego with my mom, and now I'm spending the other half in Fullerton with my love, Willie. But one week isn't long enough! It feels great to be back here. The sun, the openness (comparable to New York's crowd), and my support system out here. I love it. I know that this truly brings me happiness.

I've enjoyed my days off. I've been chillen, resting my arm as much as I can, and mentally preparing myself for this entire adventure to begin. Although my concerns arise every once in a while, I really need to just trust and let go. I often get the best of myself and get lost in my insecurities. But traveling, performing, and sightseeing will for sure fulfill my time.

I've seen most of who I intended to visit. I know that I'll be back in two months, though. Even though A LOT can happen and change within two months, I hope that they can be for the better. Looks like the next semester will actually work out for me, though. I was concerned at first and was dreading having to figure out my next few months. However, I am beginning to feel really enthusiastic about the various challenges that come my way and I really hope to figure my life out by then.

Today is Tim Seabrooks' birthday! Happy Birthday TIM!! I'm happy I'm here to celebrate the festivities & wish him a happy birthday in person.

Until later!

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