Today I am using social media as a platform for honesty, story-telling, and bravery. Hiding this issue has only made me more insecure. Plus, this should answer any questions as to why I will be looking a little different in the next few months of this year.
I am balding. Severely.
There. Whew!
Two weeks ago, on a late Thursday night, I took a shower, did the normal routine of brushing and blowdrying my hair, but then noticed that two handfuls of hair came out on my brush.
The more I brushed, the more hair came out.
I checked myself into an ER. I spent hours and hours in the hospital with a doctor, therapist, different dermatologists, gynecologists, every type of "gists" you could fathom. I had every type of blood test, eye test, lady part test, everything! I had to wait. Waiting for my test results was probably one of the most terrifying things I've had to do.
My results came back normal.
"Jackie. You are exceptionally healthy. But, I have to ask you, have you been highly stressed or would you say you had or have depression?" the Doc asked.
"Yes." I hesitantly replied.
"This must be new-onset Alopecia Areata." he answered.
**Alopecia Areata is hair loss as a result of high level stress, depression, and can be a delayed physical reaction of a mental sickness upwards of months at a time.
Depression. That sick son of a bitch.
The truth is, my friends: I have had an on-going battle with severe depression since I was 19. Once my brother William died, my spirit spiraled down. Thing after thing began to happen. Toxic relationships, homelessness -- you name it, I lived it.
For six years I have fought this demon over and over again. Few of my friends know, but for the most part, this is something I've kept to myself.
The closest I can describe it is: crawling into a dark hole, lying there; left alone feeling suffocated and strangled by your own thoughts and anger. Every year is different. Some better, some worse. Healing takes time, money, and honesty. I cope by spreading as much love as I know even possible. I volunteer, pray, I hone in on strengthening the relationships that mean most to me, and I live an honest life. I also sing! And dance!
At the very beginning of this year, depression hit me the hardest. Without going into much graphic detail, I wasn't too enthusiastic about existing anymore. I simply had no motivation to. There was no stamina, no love nor any energy left in my soul. I went back to my therapist, who I had been seeing for the about two years, called up a life coach, and made vital steps in turning my life around. My friends really were the ones who pulled me out of the dark. Literally having to drag me out of my bed and pushing me back into an audition room. Force feeding me. Calling me every five seconds. Giving me tough love. They saved me.
My year also turned out for the best. I immediately booked a touring contract in Singapore. Then traveling all of South East Asia, a life changing trip to Iceland, a summer contract doing Miss Saigon, being the Maid of Honor at my best friend's wedding and it's not even Halloween yet! This year has been near perfection.
But this hair loss thing? Whew. It hurts. It hurts me bad. Inside and out. That hole that I used to climb in? Looks quite cozy this week. It really fucking sucks, especially as an actor?! We spend hours marketing ourselves merely just on our physical appearance. What the fuck am I gonna do? I never knew that my emotional state of the past few years could be so taxing on my physical body. But this is so real -- I am living proof of it.
Nine months after thinking I had overcome my depression, physically being impinged has been the most shocking and frustrating. I've never felt happier, and yet this bullshit came up to almost remind me of the turmoil I went through. The delayed reaction to my mental health reaffirmed to me that continuously working on your spirit is vital.

Every shower I take, I lose more and more. Panic attacks about my career happen every other day. Looking in the mirror hasn't been fun, and my scalp needs a break from wearing hats constantly.
This is why I'm posting this very public blog. This has only been happening for two weeks and I have lost 75% of my hair.
At this rate, I don't know what the next week will hold.
I am going to have to start wearing wigs. In fact, I already have one ready for when the rest of it falls. I might even grow the balls to bust a Jessie J. up in dis bitch and shave it all off. Who knows? I may have to take a poll. :)
No more hiding. No more shame!
Sure, I'm balding. Shitty. And the situation really fucking sucks. But sometimes, in the realm of bigger problems that I don't have, it doesn't.
There is an abundance that I am incredibly thankful and happy for --you have no idea. I have my life. God. My family. I have an on-going circle of friends who have been my backbone. My equity card. An apartment in New York. All Harry Potter DVD's. Come on! Now, I have an opportunity to shed light on my own battle with depression. And baldness.
Maybe someone, somewhere can relate and see that you're not alone.

I have complete faith in the Lord that this will make me stronger.
I will get through this.
You better believe I will. There will be tough days. There always are. But I am certain there will be wonderful days.
Keeping positive is obviously on the list of my priorities. Concentrating on the good.
Also, buying hats! If you know of a cute one, you betta send me a picture of it!
If you've read to this point of my blog, I deeply appreciate you. Thank you for taking the time to take a look into my world for a few minutes.
And if you see me walking around, yeah boo thang, das a wig.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of bull online but here you have written something real. I can imagine it feels good to be open about it, all I can say is that staying active: physically, emotionally, with community, is a good place to turn your sights. I can imagine that shaving it would feel better than being faced with the hair loss every day. When I feel like withdrawing from the world I turn to the things you've mentioned: being generous, cooking, singing and dancing, finding new music to listen to. You are gorgeous and I'm sure you're killing it on and off stage, so stay strong and keep writing!
Jackie, darling! I'm so happy that you have written this and have chosen to be public about your depression. I know that it will be helpful to you and to other who may be experiencing the same thing but choose to ignore it and hide it.
ReplyDeleteI don't have to tell you that I am always there for you when you need me. You know I don't really sleep, whenever you need it boo!
P.S I did see a fly hat that you will love!
Love you
Hi Jackie, I'm Marci, Maxwel's second mother, sister in the faith. I took care of him and his sibling when they were babies. Life is the shit, isn't it? I commend your bravery, your honesty in telling your story. Depression sucks like a moh foh, I know. My husband and I have suffered infant loss at 2 different times. Loss just sucks period. I've been very fortunate to have family and dear friends to pull me out of that black hole. I'm glad that you have gotten help from therapists and life coaches. Girl, don't give up on life. All of this happens for a reason. We don't know what it is but only a high power does. Max cares about you a lot, you are his friend and he loves you, through all that mushy-ness, I care about you and your well being. Girl, shave it off! Let your sexiness shine through. Alopecia is temporary. Your hair will grow back. I pray for your peace of mind and hope that you will continue your journey to healing. Maybe I will meet you one day. Take care of yourself and always look for the positive, negative will always try to make it's way to you but fight it, always.
ReplyDeleteYou beautiful face would look amazing with a buzzed head. I know you'll also look hot in a wig. As someone who has battled depression I am amazed by you bravery and courage to talk about the emotional cause of a physical problem. Your hair will grow back, in the meantime you will look great. More importantly your bravery and honesty to talk about depression will save others.
ReplyDeleteI'll see you soon in whoville.
This exact thing happened to me when I was about 15. I wish that I was able to read a blog about someone else going through it, I felt so singled out. I am a social person, but when it happened to me I only told my parents and two of my closest friends and walked around feeling lonely, miserable, and smelling like sulfur because of a shampoo that the doctors prescribed to rule out fungus, which made me feel even less like socializing. When it was decided that the condition was stress related I was, if possible, even more upset - as if having the condition isn't stressful enough, reacting to it might make it worse.
ReplyDeleteWhat was weirdest was that I'd never thought of myself as enduring a lot of stress, but that's largely because I think I'd been in coping mode. My grandmother had died recently, my friend's mom (who was like a dear aunt) died unexpectedly, I'd just moved out of the home I'd grown up in because my parents were getting divorced, and I'd just transitioned into public school after being in private school for most of my life. Because I did what I could to just keep maintaining I figured that I was okay. I guess not. Anyway, it was upsetting to learn that stress was why this was happening, because having it happen was stressful enough.
The good news was that, as soon as they ruled out anything super awful, and I understood that the best thing I could do was just settle into where I was instead of panicking about what might be, I learned how to slow down.
I was lucky that the steroid injections they did actually reversed the problem, but I now am more mindful of overwhelm and allow myself breaks before I get there.
Thank you for sharing this - I wish you all the best on your journey here, as well as support and a continued good sense of humor. Life is so weird, but you are great.
I admire your bravery Jackie!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you were struggling with depression. So many people place value and happiness on outward beauty - "how could someone as pretty as you be depressed?" When in fact Depression could care less about who you are or what you look like or how popular you may be. Its a bitch. I too struggle from depression and this year has been the worse one yet. You are not alone. You are loved and you will be in my prayers. <3
You have one of your biggest fans supporting you since Fall 2009. From this individual you are loved so much, even more than just an average friend. He suggests that the both of you should meet up some time soon, catch up, share, remind each other of the friendship you both have, even though it was brief. And ultimately, he would like to say that your life is a blessing, not just for yourself, but for also this fan. God has made your life well, and He will continue to do so throughout the rest of it. If all else fails, turn to God for help, He is always ready to answer your call.
ReplyDeleteWHat you say we need Hair transplant after hair loss or not ?
DeleteHey Jackie, it's amazing what u went through and still come out strong, I too have been losing the hair due to stress and life in general, but we both live it strong and forward. Ur happy spirit and smile truly brings life in everyone and that's what make u so admirable. The weight on your shoulders r tough to hold but for every obstacle you overcome, it supports u for the next. I always see it as. A game of chess, for every move u make, u build ur life, for every obstacle theres another piece, and when you feel you've made to the other side, know that you've made another accomplishment and your endless game of chess continues on to bring you to a better, stronger, and healthier state of mind. Totally an inception kinda thing but that metaphor has really kept me pumping and going. My character was imsecure and shy, and it grew to be confident and sucessful, with this firm of think. For every bad day, I flipped it make the best of it (no joke it wasnt as easily said than done) but as counter each wall, I built my character and I'm sure your probably doing something similar. Ur tough, ur beautiful, and confident, ur story will soon come to fruition and this blog of yours is just the beginning and an inspiration for others to be bold like u, the best of luck to u. -a long time preuss acquaintance.
ReplyDeleteHey, we don't know each other but we have mutual friends. I just want you to know that you aren't alone. My marriage fell apart and in order to get out of it I had to give up my home, the career I'd worked my lifetime to build, my community, my city, and my places in two wonderful companies. Immediately after this about 1/3 of my hair fell out, my teenage backne returned, I had weird rashes on my thighs, and I've gained nearly 20 lbs.. Over two years later (and still entrenched in a very contested divorce that's had me move 21 times since summer 2012) I still have skin and hair issues and am still nearly 20 lbs. overweight. We're people. Life happens. And so does sh!t like this. But we'll get through it with the help of the people who love us :)
ReplyDeleteHey Jackie,
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting out something so brave and honest. I think it is amazing what you are doing and can only image the amount of people you will touch and encourage through this. I know it's not the same, but when I was 15 I broke out in shingles and the doctor said it was from stress/depression. I think it's wild how our bodies can shed light on what we're thinking/feeling. I hope that you continue to hear stories of people feeling loved and encouraged by your strength and determination to step into the light rather than hide in the seemingly comfortable black hole we know too well. I will be praying for you and can't wait to see what amazing things you do through this journey.
What an inspiring blog! Thank you for sharing. Your courage and boldness to do so will no doubt inspire and bring hope to others. What the enemy intended for harm, you've allowed God to turn it around and use it for good. You are amazing and your attitude inspiring. Hair or no hair, you are still beautiful inside and out. Whatever look, all you have to do is own it and you're good. Praying for you!
ReplyDeleteErrr……. Can I just say that I find you v pretty…
ReplyDeleteHi. I am a friend of Jon's. I too suffer from depression. I don't take medication. My mother lost most of the pigment in her skin due to stress. I almost lost my best cat because she was empathetic and when I was having boyfriend troubles-she went limp. I have three rescue cats now and when I was having financial problems, one started tearing out his fur. I try to eat better-nothing processed, and I have 2 tablespoons of ground flax meal every morning. If I don't I can feel it. Try to get outdoors and walk as often as possible and make sure you look up at the sky and especially the trees. A simple suggestion, but instant mood lifter. I wish you well. And you are very pretty-with or without your hair. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteHey Jackie,
ReplyDeleteI am a friend of Sabrina in Singapore (well, sort of) I would like to say...Stay Strong and don't lose faith, you still have your friends with you who will stick and guide you through this darkness. Be brave and fight on!
I have no idea how I got here, but I'm so glad that I did! I, too, am an actress in NYC, and some of the people in your photos look familiar so I'm sure we have run into each other at some point. Thanks so much for writing this post. I know that there are people who are struggling with this condition or other conditions who now feel less alone in their struggle. I hope you keep writing! Best wishes to you!
ReplyDeleteWow. What an inspiration to be so raw and so vulnerable. The Battle I've had, accepting myself and that my struggles with the same depression and such are real. Courage. Bravery. Beauty. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteI'm friends with Luan as Dawn and want to say I'm thankful for you sharing this and being so brave and candid. You're inspirational and have no idea the good you are doing by sharing. ��
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Jackie! Thank you for your willingness to share what's going on with us. As artists we must care and hold each other up and you are letting that happen. You 100% woke me up spiritually today and you have to know you are already helping people by telling the truth. I had my hair fall out when going through chemo treatment and it was one of the scariest experiences then became very powerful. It made me face my vainity and walk through it and, I think, changed and opened my heart to others. It helped me let go of myself. I really appreciate you and love you and am always inspired by you. Love, Daniel
ReplyDeleteHi! Wanted to let you know my little sister went through this in grad school. She was extremely stressed out and her hair began falling out in clumps. She lost probably 50 percent of her hair. Long story short, it all ended up growing back and she's not had a problem since school.
ReplyDeletePS following up on my comment I left in wrong area of your blog... oops.
ReplyDeleteBut after loosing my hair , 4 years ago I notice I was getting small patches of white hair on my facial hair. I went to Doctor and he told me my white blood cells are attacking my hair roots what ever that means. According to, In alopecia areata, the affected hair follicles are mistakenly attacked in groups by a person's own immune system (white blood cells), thought i would share. Take care
I don't know you, but obviously you're a beautiful woman. If you end up losing your hair, you'll be a beautiful woman who just happens to be bald. There's no reason to be ashamed of it whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteLook into Zinc Picolinate and hair loss. Also, please see your medical doctor, if you haven't already. Pehaps some lab work could help to rule out any deficiencies or medical conditions.
ReplyDeleteYou rock that Jessie J look sister and wear it proudly.I have to say thank you for having the major "balls" to post this and you are beautiful with or without your hair.
ReplyDeletei think you're fucking hot.
ReplyDeleteThis piece is so inspiring! You seem like such a beautiful person, inside and out. Keep doing what you're doing because this writing touched my soul! You rock.
ReplyDeleteThis made me laugh. And cry… but from laughing! Thank you, I needed this today. You are gorgeous inside and out! I too have alopecia areata; triggered by a stressful two years: a car accident, 1st pregnancy, 1st childbirth, postpartum anxiety, family loss, 2nd pregnancy, 2nd childbirth, family loss… it all grew back within a year, but started falling out again a couple months ago. You are not alone, girl. I empathize. It fucking sucks, but it also can be a blessing in disguise. More about my personal story here if you want to connect:
I feel you - I have alopecia areata too. Same reasons.
ReplyDeleteCut it off, you have an amazing face. You will rock that look, trust. If you have never had short hair, it's kinda thrilling, the freedom of not having to deal with the hair.
Do the treatments (injections in scalp, ouch), be kind to you. And werk that weave! ;)
Hi! Thank you for sharing your story. I was really tuoched by it. I have experienced the same thing, but a slightly diffrent story. Got fed up with the remains of my so called hair a month ago and cut it off. Haven´t regretted that for a second. Trust me, you´ll feel like a superhero. I wear a wig when I will meet people who don´t now my story, but most of the time I wear a hat or bandana it´s kind of Cold i Sweden by now). Check ut these hats a woman (I suppose) in Sweden makes. They are supercute. Good luck and thanks for sharing your story. Love Jenny
ReplyDeleteI am a physician with the same problem. It got better in my case, and it'll likely do the same for you.
ReplyDeleteIf you are able to see Dr. Angela Christiano at Columbia University in NYC, do so--she has clinical trials that are ongoing that may be able to help you.
To get through this, I had steroid injections, used topical minoxidil, and took biotin (10000 u/daily), a multivitamin, and then two cholesterol medications (fluvastatin and ezetimibe) that clearly had an effect (it's been reported, and I can attest it helps).
Best of luck,
Jim Januzzi
A true inspiration. You are beautiful with or without hair. As a fellow actress (in my previous life, anyway) I can so relate - and it is not the best business to be in when depression is a frequent guest. Am in Iceland, and have quite a few hats - look me up next time you're here - you can see some of them here on my Icelandic blog (I know, I know, the text is jibberish except to about 350 thousand of us or so, but at least you can see my hats :) ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this. I've been dealing with thinning and dramatic hair loss as well, same reason. Nothing bothers me more than my hair. I can deal with being overweight and that self image problem, but hair is getting me down. I just don't know what to do to help ot, don't know if I should try weave or wigs... your story though, it keeps me going, knowing I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteLook up Ldn for help with auto immune conditions
Good luck and Best wishes
Hi Jackie, I just want to say that you are such a strong and courageous lady. I do face the same problem and trust me it is also severe and it has been on going for so many years. I have to give in to a huge medication bills and it is such an emotional breakdown as a female hair is so important for us. I had it when I was only 13 and now its almost a decade and it is still on and off. I am still fighting it and I know you can too. I just want to say thanks for letting me know I do not face this alone and you are such an inspiring person to look up to. Keep fighting and hope it will recover soon. =))
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story. You are very brave, indeed. But you're still beautiful with or without hair! So many of us who have alopecia (for whatever cause or origin), your open honesty is very helpful. Thank you Jackie. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your story. I randomly saw your story because a friend had liked the story on Facebook. As I started to read your story, I saw parallels with my own life. On your last post dated 11/17, you talk about your birthday....When is your birthday? My birthday is today and so I am your Scorpio sister! I love, love, love Oprah! and I just saw her a few days ago on her Life You Want Tour. So coincidental that I mentioned to my bf yesterday that I love the Home Alone Movie. The next link I clicked on your page brought me to a picture of you in Southeast Asia riding an elephant. Last December, I was in Thailand and Cambodia... riding elephants! Soooo random!! Not only that... I am also of Asian descent and am too suffering from hair loss. I first noticed it about two years ago with the gradual recession of my hairline. So much hair would come out in the shower and whenever I ran my fingers into my hair. Six months prior, I had gone through a hard breakup and my anxiety and depression went through the roof. I also did the same and went to the doctor. She ran several tests on me, thyroid was normal, everything was pretty much normal. There were a few months when I became obsessed about my hair. I'm in my 30's and I was balding and the hairs that I was growing were now graying. Balding AND graying, not a great combo when your pretty still young at heart. I researched and researched everything, taking biotin, rogaine, and the comb that stimulates your scalp, trying every thickening and scalp shampoo known to man... I would get even more depressed when I would compare my hair to my peers. I would see girls on the street would long thick shiny hair and come home and cry about my thinning, limp, graying, frizzy ugly hair. I would cry to my boyfriend and he wouldn't ever get it. HAIR, is such a big deal! I was and still have been in mourning... I have my good days where I get inspired and find ways to cope, I'd always thought if it came to it, I would shave my head like Cassie and rock it. Other days are not so great. Finding your blog has given me inspiration, someone to relate to... Balding and the stress of it is not something that you can readily talk with your friends.. Thank you for sharing your story. I'll be following your journey. Best wishes!
Appreciate for posting such a nice blog.................
ReplyDeleteWow, this is such a vulnerable post that brought tears to my eyes. Kudos to you for being brave by sharing your story with the world. And keep smiling as you are an inspiration to many.
ReplyDeleteReally like this blog...............
ReplyDeleteAdvances in genetic research have helped scientists to gain new tools with which they are trying to learn about the genetics of hair loss. Research by alterna hair confirms that hair loss is inherited like the color of your eyes.
ReplyDeleteYes, 48.... severe stress/trauma.. hair loss at about 40% now.. look like your pics. Happened slowly but did not realize it until it happened faster and faster! I wear a wig now, blood work in the works and Dermo scheduled.
ReplyDeleteHi, Thanks for your great post, there are much nice information that I am sure a huge number of guys and gals don’t know.
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the end of pregnancy, menopause, change of pill, etc. Some medications also cause hair loss: when in doubt, remember to check the instructions! Another factor responsible for hair loss:
ReplyDeleteIts a great pleasure reading your post.Its full of information I am looking for and I love to post a comment that "The content of your post is awesome" Great work.
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Hey! I really like your post. The way you wrote it, impressed me. I can understand the pain of hair thinning but the cause of this is certain vitamins and minerals in our diets.Supplementation can help you to fight with this. Please check this out for supplements and details-->Renew life digest more
ReplyDeletehi there,
ReplyDeleteIm just popping by to say how incredibly brave you are for posting this. Everything you wrote is from your heart and i really admire that. You really are beautiful inside and out, you dont need any hair for that.
I think you can still recover at this stage. The 2 options that I took was gave a little time about 6 mths then I opted to try PRO-ALOPECIATA Advanced Formulation from A friends mom suggested I try it when she saw my bald spot. Took about two packs for my spot to regrow hair.
ReplyDeleteI would strongly recommend you give it a try too. Wish you a quick recovery.
Really good job to recover hair fall or break. We want to make a strong deals with you.
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ReplyDeletejust Go And Get Fix you appointment with Hair Doctor and Get best hair treatment for hair loss and ask him about hair transplant and get treatment there other wise visit india at Hair Clinic In Ahmedabad and get best hair transplant at affordable cost
ReplyDeleteHi, read about your Alopecia Areata problem, it was very inspiring. My bro had the same problem. During that time both of us did many research and found out that most treatments have side effects.
ReplyDeleteLater we found a treatment that contained natural ingredients combined with hair oil. It was a costly treatment, however the effectiveness made it worth every penny spent. We got the treatment – PRO-ALOPECIATA Advanced Formulation from
My bro has completely recovered and the bald spots has never appeared again. You might want try it. Wish you a quick recovery.
Sam, New York
As a fellow female sufferer of alopecia areata...I really needed this tonight. Thank you for putting your story out there. You helped me rationalise my darker feelings of late, and have encouraged me to crawl out of the comfy dark hole, and do something positive. Thank you xo
ReplyDeletePs. You still look fantastic and are a very accomplished young lady! Hope things improved for you since your post :)
ReplyDeleteYou can go with the hair transplant surgery if you still getting the hair loss or baldness problem. Well if you want to know more about the side effects of hair transplant surgery you can follow this post.
ReplyDeleteHair loss can be a reason of depression of some one. If he or she give so much attention to the looks & beauty, also if some one dealing with huge hair loss problem. In my opinion don't suffer with the problem, Get up & take a action which can change your life.
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ReplyDeleteAre you interested to know the main causes of hair loss then you can easily follow this link and read our new post. We share all the details on this post.
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ReplyDeleteDepression causes hair loss, its realty. We have treated many patients who had baldness due to kind of stress/ depression. Now its easy to get hair transplant in India as there are availability of huge number of clinics in India. Hair transplant in Pune | Hair transplant in Delhi
ReplyDeleteHair loss is the most alarming problem faced by a lot of people these days. But the bitter truth is that, a lot of women are facing these problems. However there may be a lot of reasons behind hair loss in women. People who are interested to know about these causes in detail, must click on the below link.
ReplyDeleteWomen hair loss in Punjab
Hair loss problem is constantly increasing such that nowadays , women are facing the problem at very early age. If you are worried about your early hair loss problem then you can get the hair transplant treatment to cure the problem.
ReplyDeleteIf you are suffering from hair loss problem and want the best solution to avoid the problem then you can go with best hair transplant in India. The treatment is best to provide the natural and dense hair back on your scalp.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Jackie for sharing your experience with us. You are really very brave. I also want to share my hair loss experience with you. I was suffering from hair loss about 3 years ago and then someone recommended me Hair Transplant Surgery. I got this surgery and now i am very glad to say that i git may natural looking hair back.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who reads this blog and want to get the best solution of their alopecia areata treatment then he/she can easily set their appointment with us. We are the only clinic that give you successful result for alopecia areata treatment in India at low costs.
ReplyDeleteA writer should always try to keep its writing very simple and clear. Always use facts which are easily acceptable by general people because they are very close to their assumptions and they welcome such kind of facts. หน้าใสไร้สิว
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ReplyDeleteFUE hair transplant in India is scareless surgery. FUE hair tranplant is latest technique of hair suregry.Fue hair suregry is very cheap as compared to other hair transplant like FUT.
ReplyDeleteThe best technique for recovery of hair loss is PRP therapy. Visit our clinic for PRP therapy in Delhi
ReplyDeleteIf anyone wants the best hair transplant in India at most affordable prices then they can contact with us. We at Profile hair transplant centre offers the quality treatment at low prices.
ReplyDeleteHair loss in women is surely one of the biggest nightmares that a woman can ever have. This can lead to baldness. To get a permanent solution for it, get the best Women hair transplant in India
ReplyDeleteGet the best treatment of Hair transplant in India without the scarring and pain yet 100% effective results.
ReplyDeleteFUE hair transplant technique is best to choose in order to get permanent and long lasting results. Expert surgeon will clearly analyze your hair loss cause then will offer treatment with best results.
ReplyDeleteHairMax Laser is an FDA-cleared home-use medical device, clinically proven to treat hair loss and promote hair growth in both women and men.
ReplyDeleteSee details
Just fix your appointment with the VJ Clinics if you're facing the alopecia areata problem and want the perfect results within the time period. We provide you best ever alopecia areata treatment in India without any complications or other side effects.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this post. Hair loss is a delicate issue and m,any people are facing it. If you want fast recovery from this issue then get hair transplant in India by professional doctors.
ReplyDeleteLoosing hair loss daily? Is your hair loss taking the shape of baldness? Do not worry about it as with advanced hair transplant surgery in India you can restore your lost hair follicles back.
ReplyDeleteHi, thank you for writing about your experience. Hair is just a cosmetic thing and beauty is not just about Hair Treatment in Greater Kailash. Its about honesty and integrity and many other qualities. Good for you for not letting people's comments make you do what you don't want to do.
ReplyDeleteWorried about hair fall? Want to get best hair replacement done in Delhi? You can find the best comparison for hair transplant cost in Delhi on our website (
ReplyDeleteMy hair is the thing I love from this body part. for years I have hair problems because I have done hair coloring so my hair is dry and easy to fall out. thank you for sharing this with me so I am excited to restore my good hair.
ReplyDeleteThank you for nice post.
ReplyDeletePurchase Propecia online and solve hair loss problem in men.
Thank you for nice post...but If you are finding an answer of how to stop hair fall once visit Ancient Hair Secrets, it provides the best product for hair fall.
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Hair loss is the big problem for all people. Loosing hair is my first problem. Doing treatment with natural ingrendient is more healthy. Doing treatment for hair is the best way to get beautiful and healthy hair.
ReplyDeleteIn summary, all the treatments haven't any value in the event the hair roots are damaged. More information on زيت الجوجوبا للذقن والشعر والبشرة كيف تتعرف على الزيت الأصلي on
ReplyDeleteTo learn more about FUE hair transplant , contact MedSpa today. We are Dehli, India go-to destination for cosmetic surgery and offer quality care and results to all of our patients. If you have any questions or would like to schedule your hair transplant appointment, call us today: +91-9958221983.
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Stem Cell Hair Transplant generally known as Stem Cell FUE hair transplant. it is the latest hair transplantation technique for Male & Female that is faster and effective than the traditional FUT and FUE hair transplant methods.
ReplyDeleteNice Content! Hair Transplant Surgery are available in scar-free and painless surgeries. for getting the best hair transplant surgery, just make an appointment with Dr. Vijay Kumar at VJ Kumar. Contact us for the best hair transplant surgery in Vijayawada.
ReplyDeleteNice post and useful information. Alopecia Areata treatment in Punjab is highly in demand and you should visit Dr Ravdeep Singh Skin and Hair Centre based in Sirhind. Check this link and get the full information.
ReplyDeleteNothing is more attractive than thick, black and naturally shiny hair. That will be an added value to our appearance and all attention will be on our hair. Almost everyone dreams of beautiful hair and is a mainstay in appearance. There are many factors that can cause a person to experience hair loss, which is due to age, medical conditions, heredity, or due to chemical processes that have been carried out.
ReplyDeleteTo prevent hair dry scalp, you must use good shampoo for scalp. Otherwise you will face big problem. Every day you must use it.
ReplyDeleteHaving healthy hair that is free to fall is everyone's dream. However, to get it is not as easy as one might think. Some of the factors behind a person having easy hair loss include pregnancy, stress, hormonal influences, certain diseases, drugs, and unhealthy eating habits. Thank you for this very useful information.
ReplyDeleteHaving healthy hair that is free to fall is everyone's dream. However, to get it is not as easy as one might think. Some of the factors behind a person having easy hair loss include pregnancy, stress, hormonal influences, certain diseases, drugs, and unhealthy eating habits. Thank you for this very useful information.
ReplyDeleteI never thought that I was invincible to STD s or pregnancy or anything else parents warn their kids about. I just didn’t think about it. I was in a monogamous relationship and thought that I asked the right questions. We even talked about marriage Scary. During that time I was in college and donated blood on a regular basis in efforts to help others when I could. As you may know, each donation is tested. Well, on July 6th I had a meeting with a Red Cross representative and was told that I had HIV. “What went through your mind when you heard that "Rose" Good question reader! To be honest, I thought my life was over, that I would ever find love, get married, have children or anything normal. Lucky for me I have an amazing support system. My family supported me then as well. who helped me in search of cure through the media.there we saw a good testimony of sister 'Kate' about the good work of Dr Akhigbe natural herbal medicine cure.then I copied his email address and contacted him. A good herbalist doctor with a good heart, he is kind, loving and caring. He replied back to my message and told me what to do. It after a week the doctor sent me my herbal medicine and instructed me how to take it.Yes it worked very well, after drinking it I went to the hospital for another test and everything turned negative. What a wonderful testimony I can never forget in my life. Dr Akhigbe is a man who gave me a life to live happily forever so all I want you all to believe and know that cure of HIV is real and herbs is a powerful medicine and it works and heals. Dr Akhigbe also used his herbal medicine to cure diseases like: HERPES, DIABETES, SCABIES, HEPATITIS A/B, STROKE, CANCER, ALS, TUBERCULOSIS, ASTHMA, PENIS ENLARGEMENT, MALARIA, LUPUS, DEPRESSION, HIV/AIDS, EPILEPSY, BACTERIAL, DIARRHEA, HEART DISEASES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, PARKINSON'S, ALZHEIMER, HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS, BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN, CHROME DISEASES, CHLAMYDIA, THYROID, MAR BURG DISEASES, MENINGITIS, ARTHRITIS, BODY WEAK, SMALLPOX, DENGUE, FEVER, CURBS, CHANCRE, ETC. You are there and you find yourself in any of these situations, kindly contact Dr Akhigbe now to help you get rid of it. Here is his email address: or you can write to him on whats app with his phone number: +2349010754824.
My appreciation is to share his testimony for the world to know the good work Dr Akhigbe has done for me and he will do the same for you.
Wonderful information, thanks
ReplyDeleteHair Removal for Men
Thanks for sharing this great post.
ReplyDeleteGreat article. Thanks for sharing. Apart from this you should try this Hair Loss article. Hair grows almost everywhere on the human body except for a few select areas, such as: the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, lips and most of the eyelids (except the eyelashes). There are 3 types of hair: vellus (body) hair, androgenic (pubic) hair, and head hair. There is a natural cycle that occurs over the lifetime of a strand of hair. At the end of its life, a hair sheds from the skin. We naturally lose anywhere from 50 to 150 head hairs everyday and new strands grow to replace them. For more information Check out this Hair Loss article.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing useful information also check my blog Alopecia Areata Treatment in Islamabad
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story. Homeopathy is also one of the best solutions for hair loss treatment.
ReplyDeleteStress is a known factor that can contribute to hair loss. Listening to relaxing music may help reduce stress levels and potentially improve hair health. Additionally, Music therapy has been shown to have various benefits for mental health and well-being, which could indirectly improve hair health by reducing stress and promoting healthy habits.
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