Sunday, April 6, 2014

Iceland Day Seven: Heaven on Earth!

My last full day in Iceland consisted of me thinking to myself, "How can I get myself BACK to Iceland?!". The entire family and I hopped into the van and Stefan wanted to show me the locations where both the films "Noah" and "Walter Mitty" were shot. 

Funny enough, I had lunch with Stefan and one of the actors in "Walter Mitty" the other day, and not only did we go to all of the locations today, we watched the movie as a family before bed, and sure enough...there he was. WHAT IS MY LIFE.

We started looking at where they dry fish. Super cool. Super smelly.

Then one of my favorite parts of the trip was stopping at the mountains and caves where "Noah" was filmed. Stefan taught his kids how to skip rocks, we searched through caves and took some really great photos.

Look at that beautiful family. The most amazing.

Then we ventured into more HOT SPRINGS! Up to 212 degrees F! 

Afterwards we made our way to the coast!

Strandarkirkja, a church where locals bet wages on their deepest desires, hopes and dreams in life; pray, and if it comes true, you must come back to this church to pay your wage. Otherwise it's considered bad fortune. You bet your ass I did some praying today. 

Elf houses!

The only prison in Iceland. 


God opened up Heaven, dropped me by the coast, and decided he would bless me with the best meal I will ever have on earth. Why specifically today? There could be many reasons, but instead of questioning that, I'm too busy crying -- worrying over when I'll ever get to eat this meal again.

Located in Stokkseyri, we went to Iceland's best lobster restaurant:


Literally, the best bread with sauce and lobster I have ever had in my entire life. 

Also, not to mention the best meringue cake in life. 

I could die a happy woman. Seriously, when I thought Iceland couldn't get any better, it did.

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