Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rising above.

Joey: "How are you?"

Me: "Pretty. fucking. miserable."

Joey: "Aww, girl, no! I believe in you."

Me: "Shit is just crazy right now. I hella feel like giving up ON LIFE. But I know that it's not the answer."

Joey: "Well just remember: If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, YOU BETTER WAKE UP AND PAY ATTENTION."

Me: ....."LMAO. Yup."

In case you were born under a rock, that quote is from Sister Act 2, one of the best movies known to an ethnic child. Inspirational, real, and uh...Lauryn Hill and Whoopie Goldberg?? You can't go wrong. But it rings so true. And after that really amazing conversation with one of my greatest friends, Joey --who is the funniest person I know in life, something resonated. I came to a decision to rediscover myself, and rebuild what makes Jackie Jackie.


I took a hip hop class at Broadway Dance Center.

Then I took a ballet class at Astoria School of Fine Arts (first ballet class since graduation from CSUF, that's TWO years).

And then, I decided, today is the day that I am going to join Equity. So I did.

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